About Turtles

First Steps

You will want a starter kit, and a free Redelivery Bucket

When you open your starter kit, you will have two starter eggs and a turtle food.

Rez your eggs, then click them once to intialize them, then click again to hatch. Once hatched they will be frozen, and their home position will be set to where they are at the moment of hatching. You can move them and reset their home position from their menu, you can adjust their range, and once you are happy with that, you can unfreeze them.

Once unfrozen, they will move around (occasionally making noise if you enabled sound).

Your turtles will breed if they are frozen, so if you are concerned about simulator performance you can leave them frozen, however frozen turtles will not make sound.

Turtles do need to eat, they like turtle food, so make sure you rez your turtle food near them. Turtle food will feed one turtle for 2 weeks, so it will feed both your turtles for 1 week.

More turtle food can be bought from Xundra's Stuff.

For Science?!

You can also send your turtles to the great beyond, for science! Such a worthy sacrifice will reward you with 10 star points.

Redelivery and Updating

The redelivery bucket is used to redeliver your turtles in the event they become broken, lost or need an update. They should not under normal circumstance become broken, but incase they do, they can be redelivered.

Updating a turtles is easy, you just need an updated redelivery bucket, then click each of your turtles and chose "redeliver" from the menu. Once they've vanished, click the redelivery bucket and choose "Live Turtles" then "Get All", and all the turtles will return at random spots around the redelivery bucket.

Redelivered turtles get a new home position and range will be set to 3, they will also be frozen with sounds off. So you will need to renable those things if you want them.

The Web Portal

The web portal can be accessed via a redelivery bucket or turtle that you own. It is a way you can accessed information on all your turtles and eggs, and redeliver them manually if need be.

Redelievering via the portal will leave your existing turtles and eggs inworld, but they will become useless, so if you find them after redelievering it's best to delete them as to avoid confusion.